Who Do We Trust?

Published on 25 January 2024 at 11:56

A friend shared a video of a social media parent company connected to Facebook and Instagram that is being sued due to knowingly damaging the mental health of its users. 

The interesting part about it, is that this is a federal lawsuit. 

Federal???... The same people who put out fake news,

the same people who continued the path of propaganda to the minds of EVERYONE, not just a specific group, just to continue to keep the conditioning of this world going, by keeping people in a constant state of mind of anger, fear, and conflict. 

Like I told my friend, "Who is going to sue them?" For their knowingly mental health damages. Pulling people apart instead of together, hiding behind the comfort of their personal protection against the fires that they start, but we the people pay for in the end. 

As adults with children and grandchildren that watch the news, they see and hear the chaos, and then relay the same message to a young still impressionable child, telling them what not to do because of  the same fear that was just formed inside themselves, (do you see the chain of events and repeated pattern yet?) now when that child gets older, they will have to unlearn hiding in fear instead of taking a chance and facing the fears that could bring forth more peace instead of wars, showing how we are all the same in most ways just responded differently. 

If you got to this page through the link from life tips- "Fear" then this last paragraph should make sense. The darkness is all media in itself that is created to keep people confined to the false realities in life. 

There is known in the unknown, and that known is you, the you that you may not have met yet. The you that is no longer in the conditioning that you are not enough or cannot do whatever you set your HEART and MIND to. The you that believes and sees there is peace, there is love, there is things in life that money does not rule or hold power over.

Media is a Power play with a Money Gain, and it started before the social media platforms.

*We feed the media that feeds us*

-Break free from the mental chains-

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